Walpurgis night JACK DANIEL S
Predivan mužjak za parenje, dokazan priplodnjak sa puno iskustva.
Very nice male for stud, proven breeding with lots of experience.
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Divne mirne naravi, staložen, pouzdan, mazan.
Broj hrvatske rodovnice: HR 10347 EBD .................... odličan, CHM HR - ŠAMPION MLADIH HRVATSKE
- ima odlične kukove,napravljen RTG na Veterinarskom fakultetu u Zagrebu
odlično predstavljao našu uzgajivačnicu na Svijetskoj izložbi 2009 - WORLD DOG SHOW - 10.11.2009
kao jedini predstavnik buldoga iz ovog dijela Europe. Bili smo jedini predstavnici pasmine
iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, BIH....!!!
- do sada je osvojio na izložbama: 3 x PRM (Prvak razreda mladih),
Junior BOB (Najljepši mladi pas pasmine), BOB (Prvak pasmine)
- odlično ocjenjen na 2°WBCF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW - 11.11.2009
- odlično ocjenjen od največih kapaciteta u svijetu engleskih buldoga kao šta su suci i uzgajivači:
Mr.Norman DAVIS, Mr.Kevin DAVIS, Dr. John LITTLE, Mrs. Petra GRELL, Mariano CHICCO (I)...
- sin naše ženke Walpurgis night ALL SILVER (majka naše najuspješnije ženke CH.WN URŠULE)
- mladi mužjak lijepe crveno-bijele boje, miran, staložen, voli pozirati za fotoaparat, obožava maženje
Beautiful peaceful nature, poised, confident, pampered.
Number Croatian pedigree: HR 10347 EBD ............ excellent, Croatian Youth Champion
- Born 30.01.2008
- he has REVIEW Breeding and thus oficijalan mate and ready for girls
- he has excellent hips, made on X-ray of Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb
- great to represent our kennel World Exhibition 2009 - WORLD DOG SHOW - 10.11.2009 as the sole representative of the Bulldogs in this part of Europe. We were the only representatives from CROATIA, SLOVENIA, BIH ....!!!
- up to now has won at shows: 3 x PRM (Champion class youth), Junior BOB (Best young dog), BOB (Champion Breeds) -- excellent rated at 2 ° WBCF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW - 11.11.2009
- Excellent rated capacity of the largest in the world of the English bulldog as what the judges and breeders: Mr.Norman DAVIS, Mr.Kevin Davis, Dr. John Little, Mrs. Petra GRELL, Mariano CHICCO (I) ...
- he is the son of our girl Walpurgis Night ALL SILVER (mother of our most successful female CH.WN URŠULA)
- beautiful young male red-white, quiet, calm, likes to pose for the camera, loves pampering